In 1987/88 I was homeless. I did not sleep on the street, I slept in my car, a car without insurance and that my mom "sold" me for $1. I had a job, I don't think I have never *not* had a job, actually.
I had friends so I could go shower but I washed and dried my uniform at work, I owned one pair of jeans, 2 tops, 1 pair of underwear, one bra, a pair of hose (they were required for my job and while I don't remember who paid for them, I know it was not me), and a pair of socks.
The shoes were also purchased by who knows who, maybe Moma, and were the cheapest shoes that matched the job requirements.
My job was at Luby's when there was a Luby's at 51st and Memorial in Tulsa.
I see so many homeless videos now and they virtually always show the people who have less than I did. The people who have shopping carts, not cars, the clothes on their backs and, if they are lucky, shoes that may or may not be in one piece.
What about the ones like me? The ones that are waiting on you while you eat? Or are checking you out at the grocery store?
The ones that deliberately work at a restaurant because they get at least one meal a day on work days and if they are lucky, they can charge a meal to their check on their days off?
Sometimes they sleep in a friend's driveway and sometimes they don't get in trouble for sleeping in the work parking lot.
If all else fails, if they have fuel they can drive to a truck stop and sleep there and if it is a good week, do a load of laundry and shower.
They make just enough to cover the basics but really, food is a considered an item they can skip as often as necessary.
Homelessness is definitely an epidemic. But it is also more than the bag people you see. Sometimes, it's the person next to you.
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