Her due date is estimated at June 2. Here are new pics. I still think she is farther along than that! Oh, and she had an u/s today and is having a BOY!
If they can tell what she is having, then she is more than likely not 14 weeks. They usually don't even try until 18-20 weeks. HOWEVER...my doctor...at 13 weeks, told me that he THINKS she was a girl but don't paint the room pink yet. He said it's impossible to tell 100% that early. SO either she's further than 14 weeks or they aren't 100% sure she is having a boy...unless she got some kind of magical ultrasound or something.
If they can tell what she is having, then she is more than likely not 14 weeks. They usually don't even try until 18-20 weeks.
HOWEVER...my doctor...at 13 weeks, told me that he THINKS she was a girl but don't paint the room pink yet. He said it's impossible to tell 100% that early. SO either she's further than 14 weeks or they aren't 100% sure she is having a boy...unless she got some kind of magical ultrasound or something.
They said they could not be certain, but that it looked like a boy. I will have to scan the image and let you see it. Love you.
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