I have been very busy this past couple of days, playing with both my Cricut and my camera. Here are the cards I made. I made one for Sis, one for Nicole, one for Audra and one each for the four seniors at our church for the church to send.

This first one is Audra's card. It took her four years, but she finally graduated with her Associates Degree in Psychology. She worked and went to school and it took what seemed like forever - but she made it! AND she just got a job that will at least to some degree use her degree. Yay!

This one is the one I made for Nicole, who is graduating high school on Friday the 15th. I cannot believe just yesterday I was holding her as a newborn. Ok, ok, I KNOW it wasn't yesterday, but it sure seems like it!!! For those that don't know, Nicole is our neighbors daughter. She is a good kid, and has overcome a lot.

This next one is the one I made four of. We have four seniors at our church, they are garduating HS on May 22. So I made these for the church to send them.

And last, but certainly not least, my personal favorite. This one is for my sister, "Sisi," well, actually, it was "Sissy", but I couldn't fit that so here it is. She is like a mom to us, as she did most of our raising and continues to mentor us today. This is her Mother's Day card from me and Danny. It has a secret, but I can't tell you what it is yet cause she doesn't have it yet!
The pics are of, left to right, Sisi, Me, Danny and Shari. I designed all of these cards in Inkscape and cut them in SCAL with my Cricut. I had a blast and am working on bookmarks now. Hopefully I can figure them out!

Have a great Mother's Day!